83 Words of Encouragement for Kids

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Never run out of ideas for words of encouragement for kids again with our list of positive things your kids need to hear you say! Foster a growth mindset and set your child up for success with these positive parenting ideas.

We all need encouraging phrases from time to time. We all need someone to tell us that we are doing things right, or that we have done something wrong.

Saying encouraging things to your kids (in both positive and negative situations) is an easy way to help your child have a positive outlook, develop confidence, and boost morale.

Directing your child’s energy towards positivity is possible through simple actions and phrases done by you, the parent. 

Praise and encouragement affirmations for kids will not only help your child to be content, but also will encourage him or her to be confident.

For example,

  • When you say “I love you”, or “Thank you” to your friends, it makes them feel better about themselves. It has a positive impact and helps them see their own worth.
  • When you tell your friend he is smart, or beautiful, it makes him feel good about himself. He feels like he has accomplished something.
  • If you compliment someone on their work with a “Great job!”, it makes them feel like they did something worthwhile.

Why are encouraging words important for kids?

Encouraging words make people feel good about themselves and their abilities.

It makes them feel like they have accomplished something.

When parents and teachers withhold words of positivity, it can have negative effects in children that aren’t easily reversed.

Words and phrases of encouragement can do a wonderful job of:

  • Boosting confidence in kids
  • Develop their imaginative and creative skills
  • Elevate self-respect and self-esteem in kids
  • Make them keen to do things they love

Looking at the benefits of words of appreciation, here is a list of ideas when you’re looking for just the right words of encouragement to say to your kids.

Encouraging words for kids to embrace failure

Nobody is perfect, and everyone learns to do better from mistakes and failure. If your child has failed to achieve something, or has simply had a bad day, you can say these phrases of encouragement for kids to thrive again.

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Try to focus on the effort and reinforce that the idea of doing a good job, doesn’t always rely on a successful or even expected result.

  1. You have worked so hard on this, that effort is not wasted
  2. It’s okay if it didn’t work out, you can try again
  3. Giving up is the real failure, so just keep trying
  4. I know you tried your best
  5. There is always next time
  6. I know it wasn’t easy, but you still gave your best
  7. It’s absolutely okay to fail
  8. You haven’t failed, you just got another chance to try
  9. You are so close, I am sure you will get it next time
  10. The secret to success, is to always get up again after failures

Words to appreciate a child

When you have children, there are certain words that you should use to express your appreciation for them.

These words are called “I love you” phrases and they are extremely important to your relationship with your kids.

mother and daughter -

These phrases are used to convey your feelings towards your children, and they are also used to tell them how much you care for them.

It is very important to use these phrases because they are a way of showing your children that you love them.

  1. It’s much more beautiful than I had expected, well done!
  2. I am so proud of you
  3. You are a problem solver
  4. You are such a great thinker
  5. You are an amazing child
  6. I really appreciate your way of thinking
  7. Wow! You just solved my problem, thank you so much.
  8. I couldn’t have done it better
  9. You always come up with such great ideas!
  10. I love talking with you

More positive words to make kids feel special

When a child feels special, it can often result in them putting extra effort into their tasks.

Even if they are not doing exceptional things, they tend to be proactive when they are encouraged for what they do.

  1. You are the reason I smile
  2. You are the most wonderful gift of my life
  3. I am glad to see you helping others
  4. Your kind actions make my heart happy
  5. I really loved your idea
  6. You always demonstrate your love for others
  7. Thank you for this gift, it made my day
  8. You are my best buddy
  9. How optimistic you are! Things will surely go your way today
  10. You are very courageous to stand for a cause

Positive Phrases for Kids Battling Anxiety

Research shows that children and teens who use positive phrases to cope with anxiety tend to report less negative thoughts and feelings.

These phrases can also serve as an effective self-help tool for kids battling anxiety.

remember to smile words of encouragement for kids -

Positive phrases are simple tools that you can use to help your child cope with anxiety. They’re designed to change negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.

When used regularly, they will help build a strong foundation in the brain’s emotional centers.

  1. I see how hard you are working
  2. You have been through a lot lately
  3. It looks like you really care!
  4. That was brave of you
  5. What would happen if you didn’t?
  6. Let’s figure something else out
  7. We’ll find another way around it
  8. Just take one day at a time and things will get better
  9. Keep trying your hardest
  10. No problem! We can do it together

Ways to praise your child for his achievements

It’s really very important to treasure the efforts of your kids.

Praising them for their achievements is something that encourages them to achieve more success in life.

  1. You are very talented
  2. You are incredible
  3. Bravo my child
  4. You did it!
  5. You are phenomenal
  6. I appreciate your efforts
  7. Your hard work has paid off
  8. You are extraordinary
  9. What a fabulous child you are!
  10. You made it happen
  11. You are truly the best

Every Day Words of Encouragement for Kids

Children are amazing creatures. They are full of energy, curiosity, and love. They also have an incredible ability to see the positive side of life.

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Whether you are looking for ways to encourage kids to eat healthier, get better grades, or simply want to give them words of encouragement every day, these are the best everyday words of encouragement for kids.

  1. I am thankful for having you
  2. I will love and support you always
  3. You always make me feel special
  4. You make me feel proud
  5. I’m always on your side
  6. Tell me about your day, how was it?
  7. You are special to me
  8. I trust you
  9. You can ask me if you have any difficulties
  10. I am always here for you

How to encourage kids when they feel low?

Kids may have episodes of ups and downs in their lives. If you feel your child is feeling low or discouraged, try to cheer him up with your kind words and love.

  • Motivate them to express their feelings to you
  • Try not to pressurize
  • Avoid asking many questions
  • Try to use a friendly tone and understand the reasons behind their behavior
  • Talk encouraging things to them and remind them that how amazing they are

Words to say to kids when they feel discouraged

Children are naturally curious. They want to know why things happen and why certain events take place.

In order to develop positive self-esteem, we must teach them how to deal with disappointment.

These are some words of encouragement for kids that may help in times of discouragement.

never give up words of encouragement for kids -

Let them know you appreciate them, share their pain, and always have their back.

  1. It’s absolutely okay to feel the way that you are right now
  2. I know you will be able to handle it
  3. You are strong
  4. Don’t stop trying, you will do well for sure
  5. Chase your dreams, everyday
  6. It’s okay if you want to take a break
  7. Your choice matters
  8. It’s okay if you don’t want to do it
  9. I don’t expect you to be perfect
  10. Don’t underestimate yourself
  11. You are capable of doing anything you set your mind to
  12. You are an achiever
  13. You will learn from your mistakes
  14. It’s okay to show your emotions, I am here for you
  15. We can always talk
  16. I am good, and you are a better version of mine
  17. I too have failed, but never stopped trying
  18. Failure is a part of the success
  19. Others won’t decide your path, you need to carve it
  20. Let’s discuss it if you are comfortable talking
  21. You are not alone
  22. There will be a better tomorrow

Give your child opportunities to be proud of

Finally, a really easy way to boost confidence and give your child something to feel good about (without you even needing to say anything at all) is to provide activities and opportunities for success, where failure is not possible.

A good example is doing an arts and crafts project for kids. Being creative and making something with their hands will help them to feel accomplished and proud.

easy lighthouse craft for kids

There is no “wrong” way to do art, so there is no way to fail!

What are some of your favorite words of encouragement for kids that have made a difference in your children’s lives?

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